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CANTONESE - Kit Kit's Happy Family

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I must eat fast
- gnor yiu sic fai dee
- hoy sum
my most happy time
- gnor jui hoy sum geh si gahn
i love you, mom and dad
- gnor oi nei, mama tung ba ba
but daddy said
- ba ba wah
little friends
- siu pung yow
wear glasses
- dai gahn gang
i have to sleep
- gnor yiu fahn gau la
i am tired
- gnor gui
little doggie
- siu gow
- teng yut
mom and dad, good night
maan on
tell me stories
- gong goo si bei gnor teng
mom and dad play with me
- ma ma, ba ba tung gnor wan
- woon gui
after dinner
- sic yoon fahn jee hau
taste good or tasty
- ho mei
Mommy will praise me
- mama wooi jahn gnor
daddy, eat dinner
- ba ba sic fahn
mommy, eat dinner
- ma ma, sic fahn
strawberry cake
- si dor bei lei dahn go
but thats ok
mm gun yiu
I like to stay home and play
- gnor jung yee lau hei oak kei wan
sweep the floor
- so dei
i like to help mom and dad
- gnor jung yee bong ma ma tung ba ba
walk around here and there
-hahn lai hahn hui
little helper
- siu jor sau
pretend to be mommy
- bahn ma ma
This is my mommy
nee gor hai gnor ma ma
The son's name in the story
- git git