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TECH - Unit 5 (Wild West) - Use of English Chall ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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During the early ages of humans, they used spears. A spear / wood. Its tip / Iron. It (hunt) animals and (protect) themselves.
During the early ages of humans, they used spears. A spear is made of wood. Its tip is made of iron. It is used for hunting animals and protecting themselves.
Hand sanitizers / alcohol. They (kill) germs and bacteria in your hands.
Hand sanitizers are made of alcohol. They are used for killing germs and bacteria in your hands.
The pillar / concrete. It (support) your house so it will not collapse.
The pillar is made of concrete. It is used for supporting your house so it will not collapse.
Expensive jewelries / gold and platinum. They (decorate) a valuable object/people.
Expensive jewelries are made of gold and platinum. They are used for decorating a valuable object/people.
These Walls / bricks. They (divide) rooms in your house.
These Walls are made of bricks. They are used for dividing rooms in your house.
The axe / rock. It (mine) minerals, like germanium and diamond.
The axe is made of rock. It is used for mining minerals, like germanium and diamond.
A winter jacket / wool. It (give) insulation during cold days.
A winter jacket is made of wool. It is used for giving insulation during cold days.
A modern racket / carbon. It (play) badminton and tennis with friends.
A modern racket is made of carbon. It is used for playing badminton and tennis with friends.
This soundproof window / special glass. It (absorb) sound in a room.
This soundproof window is made of special glass. It is used for absorbing sound in a room.
These boots / leather. They (protect) our feet.
These boots are made of leather. They used for protecting our feet.