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[ECP7] Rise & Shine (Gold) - U1 L3 - Thump Thump ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which person is NOT a community helper?
A thief
A firefighter
A doctor
A teacher
Which is a way of helping your community?
I can pick up trash at the park.
I can break windows.
What is the genre of "Thump Thump Helps Out"?
What is the story mostly about?
a rabbit that helps his community
a rabbit that stops thumping
Which answer is not a character in the story?
The big wolf
Thump Thump
When will Thump Thump need to thump loud and long?
when a rabbit needs help
when a rabbit is happy
The little rabbits fix the bus.
The big rabbits come to the bus because they hear __________.
Thump Thump's thumping
Miss Sheldon yelling
Thump Thump's bus gets stuck in the ______.
Which sentence shows the problem in the story "Thump Thump Helps Out"?
Thump Thump's bus hits a rock
The kids got home fast.
In the beginning, the rabbits like to hear Thump Thumps thumping.