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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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before / have / your / eat / you / hands / wash / you / to / .
You have to wash your hands before you eat.
to / breakfast / school / to / he / have / he / before / goes / has / .
He has to have breakfast before he goes to school.
have / after / teeth / brush / to / my / dinner / I / .
I have to brush my teeth after dinner.
every / a / we / to / book / week / have / read / .
We have to read a book every week.
uniform / has / school / to / Ann / wear / a / to / .
Ann has to wear a uniform to school.
you / to / go / your / before / you / have / clean / school / shoes / to / .
You have to clean your shoes before you go to school.
Are there some / any tomatoes in the salad?
There are some / any oranges on the table – they’re delicious!
There aren’t some / any sausages for the picnic!
Is there some / any chocolate in your lunch box?
Yes! There is some / any milk in the fridge.
It is usually cold. It can have tomatoes in it.
You eat this with a spoon. There are vegetables in it.
You wash your hands with it. You can also drink it.
It is usually yellow or white. You can have it in your sandwiches.
This is a type of bread. You can have ham in it.
A roll/ rolls