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My bones - 4th Grade

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does musculoskeletal system mean?
Bones work together with muscles to produce controlled, precise movements.
What type of muscles do we use to breathe?
Involuntary muscles.
Do voluntary or involuntary muscles cause your stomach to growl?
Involuntary muscles
What are the involuntary muscles?
They work without us having to think about controlling them. They are related to functions like blood circulation and the movement of food throug the body
What are the voluntary muscles?
Voluntary muscles move when we want them to. This type of muscle can be found in our arms and legs.
Is a vertebra an iregular bone?
Yes, it is.
Are the ribs short bones?
No. Ribs are flat bones
Which body systems are necessary for movement?
Skeletal and muscular systems.
How can joints be classified into?
Movable joints, partially movable joints and immobile joints
What are the four different types of bones?
Flat bones, short bones, long bones and irregular bones.
The bones of the body can be classified according to...?
According to their shape
What is the function of joints?
Joints are connections between two or more bones.
What could happen to your bones if you do not get enough calcium?
Our bones would be weak because calcium strengthens our skeletal system
Why are joints important?
Joints are the areas where bones meet, and the majority of them allow movement
What makes up the skeletal system?
The skeletal system is formed of bones and joints.
What is the main function of the skeletal system?
The skeletal system performs vital functions such as support, movement, protection, blood cell production.
What organs are protected by bones?
Brain, Heart and Lungs
Where are bones located?
The bones are located throughout the whole human body forming the skeleton
What types of activities help develop muscles?
Doing exercise
Where are muscles located?
Most muscles are covering the skeleton