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Alternative conditional forms, Ready for C1 Adav ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ask your teammate: What will you do if ... ?
Ask your teammate: How would you react if ... ?
Ask your teammate: If humans were to ... ?
Ask your teammate: If I pay you ... ?
Ask your teammate: Imagine that you ... ?
Ask your teammate: If I were to tell you that ... ?
Ask your teammate: If you succeed in an Advanced exam, ... ?
Ask your teammate: Suppose you could time travel, ... ?
Complete the sentence: You tore your brother's favourite Radomiak Radom scarf. I wish he ...
Complete the sentence: You tore your brother's favourite Anime top. If only I ...
Complete the sentence: Your crush made fun of you in front of your friends in the classroom. I wish she ...
Complete the sentence: Your father made fun of you in front of your friends. If only I ...
Complete the sentence: You have to share with your brother who's very untidy. I wish he ...
Complete the sentence: You have to share with your sister who's very naughty. I wish she ...
Complete the sentence: You have to share with your brother who's very dumb. If only I ...
Find and correct the mistake: When the water level in the river rises, Przysucha will always floods.
When the water level in the river rises, Przysucha will always floods. (remove "will")
Find and correct the mistake: Radom will have a housing crisis if it builds more affordable homes.
Radom will have a housing crisis if it builds more affordable homes. (change "if" to "unless")
Find and correct the mistake: Take a jumper with that pear in case of it gets cold on the way back from town.
Take a jumper with that pear in case it gets cold on the way back from town. (remove "of")
Find and correct the mistake: I'll let you have the bigger bedroom on a condition that you would keep it tidy.
I'll let you have the bigger bedroom on condition that you would keep it tidy. (remove "a")