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Order of adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's a_______ cake. (chocolate,delicious, brown)
delicious brown chocolate
I could only see the ______ ocean from the ship. (blue, huge, amazing)
amazing huge blue
I can't see any _____________ person here. (young, tall, ugly)
ugly tall young
During out holiday, I ate a ____________ pizza.(thin/delicious/Italian)
delicious thin Italian
He plays a(n) ________ man. (old/silly/fat/American)
silly fat old American
He was wearing a blue _____ shirt.
(any origin)
They spent their holiday on a(n) ________ beach. (Cuban/wonderful/tiny)
a wonderful tiny Cuban
He was afraid of a ______ insect. (black/tiny/disgusting)
disgusting tiny black
He is a member of a(n) ________ band. (exciting/English/new)
exciting new English
I want you to meet that __________ girl. (Swedish/tall/blonde)
tall blonde Swedish
Which one is correct? 1.red big plastic bag 2. a plastic big red bag 3. a big red plastic bag 4.a big plastic red bag
3. a big red plastic bag
My father's dream car is an expensive 1950s _____ Ferrari.
(any colour or origin)
My cat is a _________ animal. (Egyptian/noisy/ginger)
noisy ginger Egyptian
This is a(n) ___ table. (French/brown/huge/antique)
huge antique brown French