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HC2 U5&U6

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ASK: the bat - cute
Is the bat cute?
ASK: monkeys - have long tail
Do monkeys have a long tail?
ASK: giraffes - thin
Are giraffes thin?
ASK: a crocodile - have - big teeth
Does a crocodile have big teeth?
ASK: a whale - have - a mane
Does a whale have a mane?
ASK: hippos - have - wings
Do hippos have wings?
ASK: a sloth - fast
Is a sloth fast?
ASK: cats - cute
Are cats cute?
A crocodile (do / are / does / is) dangerous
Monkeys (doesn't / aren't / isn't / don't) big
A bear (are / do / is / does) fat
Unscramble: does / mouth / hippo / a / small / have / the
Does the hippo have a small mouth?
Unscramble: neck / have / does / giraffe / a / long / the
Does the giraffe have a long neck?
Unscramble: lions / have / do / mane / a
Do lions have a mane?
A bat (don't / doesn't) have fins
A sloth (have / has) long nails
Elephants (have / has) big ears