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A Bad Case of The Stripes

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many outfits did Camilla try on before her first day?
What is the theme in this story?
Identity, Individuality, Peer Pressure, Self-confidence
Colors, Rainbows, Lollipops, Gumdrops
Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juiceGiant snake.
Science, Colors, People, Walls
How many specialists were working on Camilia?
Why did the principle send Camilla home?
The parents are scared, because it may be contagious.
She was showing off
Children were scared she was contagious.
Camillia was misbehaving.
What happened as kids called out colors?
She turned those colors or patterns.
It made her turn into s colorful pill?
She started to shout colors too.
It made her turn into the wall.
Who said Camilla can go to school?
The doctor
Her dad
Her mom
Her friends wanted to see her stripes.
What was the doctor's name?
Who Cured Camillia?
The old lady.
The Scientist.
The specialist.
The doctor
What happened when Camilla ate Lima beans?
She never had a touch of stripes again.
She turned into a lima bean.
She couldn't stop eating them.
She didn't like them as much as she thought.
Camilla was so embarrassed because...
No one wanted to be in the same room as her.
She loves lima beans.
She was too tall.
Because she has stripes and she hates stripes.
Camilla broke out into stars and stripes when...
As they were saying the pledge of allegiance.
They started popping fireworks.
When someone yelled "Stars and Stripes!"
When they had a moment of silence.
What Happen when Camilla’s mother saw Camilla covered in stripes?
She begins to cry Out loud.
She tells her she's not going to school.
She tries slapping the stripes off of her.
Call two scientist to fix the problem.
What did her friends hate in the story?
Lima Beans
Who is the illustrator?
David Shannon
Sean Astin
Leo Lionni
Who is this book written by?
David Shannon
Sean Astin
Dr. Seuss
Leo Lionni
What was Camilla getting ready for at the beginning of the story?
The first day of school
A hair appointment
8th Grade School dance
To go shopping with her friend Sandy.
Camilla never ate Lima Beans why?
She is afraid of how others will look at her.
She thinks their disgusting.
She prefers green beans.
Lima beans are for sick people.
Do you think the kids are bullying Camilla? Why or why not?
Yes, because they are calling her names while being rude.
Yes, because Camilla likes when people call her names.
No, because they are Camilla's friends.
No one ever bullied Camillia in the book.
What were the first names they called out to Camilla?
Camilla Crayon!
Night of the living Lollipop!
Camilla Rainbow!
Strawberry Swirl Girl!
How does Camilla feel when the kids laugh at her?
She feels so ashamed.
She laughs with them.
She gets upset and turns red.
She ignores them.
Why didn’t Camilla want to let others know that she liked lima beans?
She was concerned about what people would think of her.
She really hates Lima Beans.
She wanted to be different.
It was a secret