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Talking about the past, Ready For Advanced C1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistake: She was about sitting down when she noticed the chair was broken.
sitting > to sit
Correct the mistake: You did nothing but complain since we've been here.
did > have done
Correct the mistake: I wish you didn't give him my phone number - he phoned me three times yesterday!
didn't give > hadn't given
Correct the mistake: I'd like to stay in London longer, but we had to get back for Candice's wedding.
stay > have stayed
Correct the mistake: It wasn't the first time she was catching him taking money from her purse.
was catching > had caught
Correct the mistake: It's a long time since we don't see each other.
don't see > saw / have seen
Correct the mistake: This must be about the tenth time I eat in this restaurant.
eat > have eaten
Correct the mistake: I know him since we were at school together.
know > have known
Correct the mistake: The service was terrible; when our dessert arrived, Paul still ate his starter!
still ate > was (still) eating
Correct the mistake: I have met some very interesting people on my holiday last year.
without "have"
Correct the mistake: We would have a parrot, but he flew away one day when I was cleaning his cage.
would > used to
I couldn’t eat the first curry I tried in Thailand,
as I’m not used to eating spicy food.
but I’m not so scared of it now.
as she isn’t used to cycling long distances.
but I got used to them quite quickly.
I hated the cold showers at the campsite at first,
but I got used to them quite quickly.
but people seem to travel all year now.
but we’re getting used to it now.
as I’m not used to eating spicy food.
My friend doesn’t want to come on the adventure holiday,
as she isn’t used to cycling long distances.
but I’m not so scared of it now.
as I’m not used to eating spicy food.
but I got used to them quite quickly.
We couldn’t believe how crowded the Tokyo underground was,
but we’re getting used to it now.
but people seem to travel all year now.
but I got used to them quite quickly.
as I’m not used to eating spicy food.
I used to be petrified of flying,
but I’m not so scared of it now.
as she isn’t used to cycling long distances.
as I’m not used to eating spicy food.
but I got used to them quite quickly.
I ... on the bus, so ... I my stop and ... walk 5 km back to the campsite. (read / miss / have to)
was reading / missed / was walking
My sister ... already ... out to the rock by the time I ... into the water. (swim / step)
had already swum / stepped
I ... home, but the signal in the hostel ... hopeless. (going to + skype / be)
was going to skype / was
By the time the plane actually ..., we ... on the runway for an hour. (take off / wait)
took off / had been waiting
We ... along the beach when suddenly a huge wave ... over the rocks. (walk / crash)
were walking / crashed
I was happy, but really tired after
we'd been exploring the city all day.
we've been exploring the city all day.
There was no one to help us. We got to the hotel after midnight and
the receptionist had already gone home.
the receptionist went home.
Dad was due to join us for the second week
but he was ill and couldn't make it.
and he loved the area too.
We were going to get tickets for the water park
but it was closed on Sunday.
and it was great fun.
He didn't really join in. He
was playing computer games instead of enjoying the trip.
's been playing computer games instead of enjoying the trip.
I first went abroad
two years ago, when I was thirteen.
twice already this year.
The player ... a yellow card because he ... his shirt after scoring a goal. (get, take off)
got, had taken off
They ... play tennis because they ... a court. (not able to, not book)
weren't able to / hadn't booked
We ... use the ski slope because it ... enough. (not can, not snow)
couldn't / hadn't snowed
Some of the players ... while the coach ... to them. (not listen, talked)
weren't listening / was talking
The police ... my sister on the motorway because she ... a seat belt. (stop, not wear)
stopped / wasn't wearing
I ... Jane at first because she ... so much. (not recognize, change)
didn't recognize / had changed
The crowd ... when the referee the ... final whistle. (cheer, blow)
cheered / blew
The accident ... when they ... home. (happen, drive)
happened / were driving
England ... any of their previous games when they had been playing in the quarter-finals.
hadn't lost
didn't lose
The captain ... any goals when the referee sent him off.
hadn't scored
didn't score
There was a lot of traffic and when we arrived, the match ... .
had already started
already started
They didn't play well in the match although they ________ all the time.
had been training.
were training
When the teacher collected the exam papers he saw that Robbie ... .
had cheated