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Family & Possessive S - The Simpsons

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Maggie is _______. (Lisa)
Lisa's sister.
Mona is _______. (Herb)
Herb's mother.
Clancy is ________. (Patty)
Patty's father / dad
Jackeline is _______. (Selma)
Selma's mum
Maggie is _________. (Bart)
Bart's sister.
Homer is ________. (Ling)
Ling's uncle.
Selma is ___________. (Marge)
Marge's sister.
Ling is _________. (Patty)
Patty's niece.
Herb is  _________. (Homer)
Homer's brother
Maggie is  _________. (Mona)
Mona's granddaughter
Bart, Lisa and Maggie are  _________. (Homer)
Homer's children
Bart, Lisa and Maggie are  _________. (Mona)
Mona's grandchildren
Abraham and Mona are  _________. (Lisa)
Lisa's grandparents
Homer and Marge are  _________. (Bart)
Bart's parents
Clancy is  _________. (Ling)
Ling's grandfather / grandpa / grandad
Homer is _________. (Lisa)
Lisa's father / dad
Marge is  _________. (Bart)
Bart's mother / mum
Herb is  _________. (Maggie)
Maggie's uncle
Selma is _________. (Bart)
Bart's aunt
Jackeline is _________. (Lisa)
Lisa's grandmother / grandma / granny
Bart is _________. (Clancy)
Clancy's grandson
Ling is  _________. (Maggie)
Maggie's cousin
Bart is  _________. (Lisa)
Lisa's brother
Marge is _________. (Clancy)
Clancy's daughter
Homer is  _________. (Abraham)
Abraham's son