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Advanced Compare/Contrast
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Compare/contrast two ideas
Money vs. Gift vs. Gift card (for a birthday)
Describe how they are alike and different
New branded clothes vs. Second-hand clothes
Describe how they are alike and different
Your lifestyle vs. Your favorite celebrity
Describe how they are alike and different
Getting vs. Giving presents
Describe how they are alike and different
Messaging vs Face-to-face communication.
Describe how they are alike and different
Oven vs. Microwave
Describe how they are alike and different
Friends vs. Family
Describe how they are alike and different
Public vs. Private Transportation
Describe how they are alike and different
Recycling vs. Landfill
Describe how they are alike and different
Lollipops vs. Popsicles
Describe how they are alike and different
Offense vs. Defense
Describe how they are alike and different
Coffee vs. an Energy Drink
Describe how they are alike and different
Monarchy vs. Presidency
Describe how they are alike and different
Cash vs. Credit Cards
Describe how they are alike and different
Paper vs. Plastic
Describe how they are alike and different
Online vs. Traditional Education
Describe how they are alike and different
Renting vs. Owning
Describe how they are alike and different
Comedy vs. Drama
Describe how they are alike and different
Oven vs. Microwave
Describe how they are alike and different