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Cooking Vocabulary
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
A) rolling pin B) spoon C) napkin
What is this?
A) pizza cutter B) rolling pin C) knife
What is this?
A) fork B) knife C) spoon
What is this?
A) spoon B) fork C) knife
What is this?
A) knife  B) spoon C) fork
What is this?
A) bowl  B) cup  C) plate
What is this?
A) wok  B) rolling pin  C) bowl
What is this?
A) coffee maker B) cutting board C) rolling pin
What is this?
A) whisk B) bowl C) wok
What is this?
A) cup B) pitcher C) spoon
What is this?
A) kitchen B) cup C) pitcher
What is this?
A) Rolling Pin B) Cutting Board C) Baking Dish
What is this?
A) Baking Dish B) Pan C) Blender
What is this?
A) Can Opener B) Peeler C) Grater
What is this?
A) Knives B) Colander C) Can Opener
What is this?
A) Grater B) Blender C) Knives
What is this?
A) Pan B) Baking Sheet C) Mixing Bowl
What is this?
A) Pot B) Bowl C) Pan
What is this?
A) Blender B) Toaster C) Colander
What is this?
A) Oven Mitt B) Mixing Spoon C) Tongs
What is this?
A) Colander B) Pan C) Oven
What is this?
A) Pot B) Frying Pan C) Stove
What is this?
A) Microwave B) Oven Mitt C) Baseball Glove
What is this?
A) Microwave B) Oven C) Stove
What is this?
A) Microwave B) Toaster C) Oven
What is this?
A) Blender B) Mixer C) Baking Sheet
What is this?
A) Toaster B) Blender C) Oven
What is this?
A) Mixing Bowl B) Blender C) Measuring Spoons
What is this?
A) Measuring Cups B) Mixing Bowl C) Toaster
What is this?
A) Spatula B) Toaster C) Flipper
What is this?
A) Spatula B) Knives C) Cutting Board
What is this?
A) Ladle B) Mixing Spoon C) Toaster
What is this?
A) Mixing Spoon B) Whisk C) Mixer
What is this?
A) Measuring Cup B) Measuring Spoon C) Mixing Spoon
What is this?
A) Mixing Bowl B) Mixing Spoon C) Blender