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Halloween present simple

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dancing Skeleton ..........jazz. (NOT LIKE)
Dancing Skeleton doesn't like jazz.
The mummies .......... far. (NOT TRAVEL)
The mummies doesn't travel far.
..... you ...... spiders? (LIKE)
Do you like spiders?
The vampire ........ early. (NOT GET UP)
The vampire doesn't get up early.
Mr. Smith ...... a pumpkin. (NOT CARVE)
Mr. Smith doesn't carve a pumpkin.
The witch ..... a spell. (CAST)
The witch casts a spell.
The vampire ...... candy. (LOVE)
The vampire loves candy.
Grandma ...... treats on Halloween. (GIVE)
Grandma gives treats on Halloween.
The boy .... costume. (WEAR)
The boy wears a costume.
Children .... trick-or-treating. (GO)
Children go trick-or-treating.
Mummies ........ on Halloween. (DANCE)
Mummies dance on Halloween.
Bats ........ (NOT RUN)
Bats don't run.
A spider ...... its web. (SPIN)
A spider spins its web.
The vampire ........ in a casket during a day. (SLEEP)
The vampire sleeps in a casket during a day.
The witch ..... her broom at night. (RIDE)
The witch rides her broom at night.
The ghost ........: "BOO!" (SAY)
The ghost says: "BOO!"
Witches ........ people. (SCARE)
Witches scare people.
The skeleton ....... its bones. (SHAKE)
The skeleton shakes its bones.
The monster ...... in the chest. (HIDE)
The monster hides in the chest.