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Circumference and Area of Circle

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pi is equal to the ratio of the ____________ of a circle divided by its ____________.
What is the circumference of the circle?
56.52 inches
What do you call this symbol?
The symbol is the Greek letter, pi.
What is the diameter of a circle with a radius of 3.25 feet?
6.5 feet
The diameter of the window is 5 feet. What is its circumference?
15.7 feet
The commemorative 1988 plate celebrating Mickey Mouse's 60th birthday is 9 inches in diameter. What is the CIRCUMFERENCE of the plate?
28.26 inches
The commemorative 1988 plate celebrating Mickey Mouse's 60th birthday is 9 inches in diameter. What is the area of the plate?
63.585 square inches (63.585 in^2)
The Jeep spare tire cover has a radius of 16 inches. What is the circumference of the cover?
100.48 inches or approximately 8 feet
The diameter of the window is 5 feet. What is its area?
19.625 square feet (19.625 ft^2)
What is the area of this circle?
3215.36 square centimeters or 3215.36 cm^2
What is the diameter of this circle?
64 centimeters
What's the area of a circle with a radius of 5 miles?
78.5 square miles (78.5 mi^2)
Find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 12 inches.
37.68 inches
What is the approximate value often used for pi?
The radius of a circle is 130 meters. What is the unit of measurement used for the circumference of this circle?
The diameter of a circle is 7.5 miles. What is the unit of measurement when you find the area of the circle?
square miles or miles^2. (^2 means "to the power of 2.")
Where is the circumference of a circle?
The circumference of a circle is the distance around the circle.
What is the diameter of a circle?
It's a line that goes from one edge of a circle through the center of a circle touching the opposite edge.
What is the radius of a circle when the diameter is 18 inches?
9 inches
What is the formula for finding the area of a circle?
Pi (3.14) times radius times radius
What's the formula for finding the circumference of a circle?
Multiply 3.14 times the diameter of the circle