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Frindle Chapter 3 & 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What word was used to described Mrs. Granger at the end of chapter 5?
What did Mrs. Granger do that put Nick's reputation into danger?
treat him like the teacher's pet.
What did Nick turn his report into?
a time waster
Why did the students begin to yawn during the report?
Nick report was getting too long.
What did Nick forget to include in his report?
the title
the page numbers
the name of the dictionary
Which period did Nick have Mrs. Granger's class?
What assignment did nick have to do for Mrs. Granger
A book report
math test
spelling bee
he had to fix her car
what was nicks older brother's name
how did the homework first rule help James
He was getting good grades in college
It didn't help him
It made him do things and stuff and other things
it gave him a sense of well-being
Nick had an older brother in college
What is your prediction on Nick's idea?
He will write the report and give it.
He will pull the fire alarm to get out of it.
He will write a big report and try to use up all the time.
He will refuse to do it because it's not fair.
What other resources does Nick use to help him write his report?
He read a book about dictionaries
What is the title to the introduction to the dictionary?
Words and Their Origins
Words, Words, Words!
Where Words Come From
What is the rule at Nick's house?
Homework First
Grades aren't important
Play until dark...then do your homework
He can only play on weekends
How does his plan backfire on him?
She assigns him a research report.
He gets yelled at.
She gives him extra vocabulary words.
The whole class has to write a report.
At the end of the chapter nick was...
excited about the book report
What question does Nick ask Mrs. Granger to waste time?
How do all the words get into the dictionary?
What color are your eyes?
How many words are in the big dictionary?
Did you write the dictionary?
what sport were nicks friends playing outside his window
What special skill does Nick have that is a guaranteed time waster?
The teacher-stopper
The blackbird chirp
He is smart
He can make palm trees