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Black carbon pollution

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What diseases can be caused by soot particle ?
asthma attacks, heart disease, bronchitis, respiratory illnesses
True or False ? "We know about carbon dioxide and its impact on global warming, we know much about soot"
False (We know little about soot)
People can reduce black carbon emissions at home by using (traditional stoves / clean, alternative fuel stoves) for cooking and heating. 
clean, alternative fuel stoves
Which parts on Earth is damaged by man-made soot ?
South & East Asia, Latin America, parts of Africa
True or False ? "A soot particle is about 1/20 the width of a human hair"
False. (1/30)
What is the other name of "Soot" ?
Black carbon
Fill the blank : Black carbon is the ______ after carbon dioxide. 
second most damaging greenhouse gas
Where does soot come from ?
the burning of coal, oil, wood, and other fuels