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Future tenses - revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She ................................( date) her boyfriend for 10 years when they get married.
She will have been dating her boyfriend for 10 years when they get married.
Rewrite the sentence so it contains the verb - BE You´ll find me waiting outside the station.
I´ll be waiting for you outside the station.
Rewrite the sentence so it contains the verb - HAVE Maria is pregnant again.
Maria is going to have another baby.
Rewrite the sentence so it contains the word MARRIED Mary and Alan´s wedding is next week.
Mary and Alan are getting married next week.
What time is the train for Nottingham ? LEAVE
What time does the train for Nottingham leave ?
We only posted the invitations yesterday so you ..................( not receive) yours yet.
We only posted the invitations yesterday so you won´t have received yours yet.
Goodbye for now. I ............................(be) in touch with you later in the week.
Goodbye for now. I´ll be in touch with you later in the week.
You can borrow this calculator, I ........................( need ) it.
You can borrow this calculator I´m not going to need it.
Christmas ...............( be) on a Tuesday next year.
Christmas is on a Tuesday next year.
By the end of the month, I .......................................( work ) for this firm for a year.
By the end of the month, I´ll have been working for this firm for a year.
This time next week I ..........................( lie) on the beach.
This time next week I´ll be lying on the beach.
Wait for me here until I ............................(get) back.
Wait for me here until I get back.
It´s very hot in here. I think I .............................( faint )
It´s very hot in here. I think I am going to faint.
By the end of the week we.......................( decide ) what to do.
By the end of the week we´ll have decided what to do.
What....................( you do ) this Saturday evening ? Would you like to go out ?
What are you doing this Saturday evening. Would you like to go out ?
By the time you get back Harry ......................( leave )
By the time you get back Harry will have left.
´There´s someone at the door. ´ ´That .......................(be ) the postman. ´
There´s someone at the door. ´That will be the postman.
Will you be working /will you work the week after Christmas ? I was thinking of visiting you.
Will you be working the week after Christmas ? I was thinking of visiting you.
What do you think you´ll be doing/ you´ll do in five years´ time ?
What do you think you will be doing in five years´ time ?
Jack is/is going to be 65 next month so he retires/will be retiring.
Jack is 65 next month so he will be retiring.
Our bus......................( leave) at 7 pm according to the timetable.
Our bus leaves at 7 pm according to the timetable.