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Name That Movie!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What movie is this?
Mean Girls
What movie is this?
Aqua Marine
What movie is this?
Iron Man
What movie is this?
The Matrix
What movie is this?
Dumb and Dumber
What movie is this?
What movie is this?
Pretty Woman
What movie is this?
The Sixth Sense
What movie is this?
The Goonies
What movie is this?
Harry Potter
What movie is this?
Men in Black
What movie is this?
The Parent Trap
What movie is this?
Mrs Doubtfire
What movie is this?
Finding Nemo
What movie is this?
Charlotte's Web
What movie is this?
Sister Act
What movie is this?
10 Thing I hate about You
What movie is this?
Space Jam
What movie is this?
Home Alone
What movie is this?
Halloween Town
What movie is this?
Hocus Pocus
What movie is this?
Pulp Fiction
What movie is this?
American Graffiti
What movie is this?
Good Fellas
What movie is this?
Jurassic Park
What movie is this?
What movie is this?
My Fair Lady
What movie is this?
What movie is this?
What movie is this?
What movie is this?
The Lord of the Rings
What movie is this?
Singing in the Rain
What movie is this?
What movie is this?
The West Side Story
What movie is this?
The Sound of Music