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Can You Name 5...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 things to do when you are sad
cry, eat ice cream, talk to your friends...
Name 5 things you can call off
a wedding, a party, an exam..
Name 5 typical excuses for not doing homework
My dog ate it, I forgot, etc.
Name 5 large buildings
stadium, school, skyscraper, tower, etc.
Name 5 things that can break
hearts, ceramics, things, bones, etc.
Name 5 kitchen gadgets
blender, toaster, mixer, etc.
Name 5 things in a purse
money, lipstick, wallet, gum, etc.
Name 5 dangerous animals
bear, shark, snake, etc.
Name 5 expensive things
gold, diamonds, a car, a mansion, private plane ...
Name 5 cold things
ice, ice cream, antarctica, snow, fridge
Name 5 things on a desk
pencil, pen, computer, paper, graffiti, gum....
Name 5 capital cities
Madrid, London, Berlin, etc.
Name 5 board games
Monopoly, Clue, etc.
Name 5 things you can find in Australia
giant spiders, beaches, kangaroos, koalas, boomerangs
Name 5 things you can run out of
toilet paper, food, money, gasoline, time