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"It's the end of the world as we know it" ~REM

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When one ruler has complete control over a government (think Hitler). *vocab word
A dystopian world does not contain ______________ (when everyone is different) *vocab word
What is an excessive formality that one has to complete before getting to their end goal? *vocab word
red tape
Citizens are expected to ________ (be the exact same as everyone). *vocab word
A figurehead or concept is ____________ in a dystopian world. *Think Regina George from Mean Girls
In a dystopia, citizens have a _______ of the outside world and often do not want to leave their communities.
What is another word for "advertisement" that the government uses to control people in a dystopia? *vocab word
The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of this in our country? *vocab word
Characters living in a dystopia often think it is really the opposite. What is a "perfect world" called?
In class we talked about children behind bars in striped prisoner's attire is living in a ____________ state. *vocab word
People in a dystopia feel like they are under constant ____________. Google maps and security cameras were examples of this.
surveillance or being watched
The Village was an example of this type of dystopian control
Philosophical/Religious Control
iRobot was an example of this type of dystopian control
Technological Control
The Hunger Games was an example of this type of dystopian control
Bureaucratic Control
Wall-E was an example of this type of dystopian control
Corporate Control