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Frindle - Chapter 1 - 2

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Mrs. Granger's battle cry?
USE the dictionary.
Be quiet!!!
Yellow index card.
Mrs. Granger looked like a giant because of her ___________.
Tidy means
clean and in order
a mess
How long is Mrs. Granger's weekly vocabulary?
35 words
30 words
25 words
20 words
Why didn't Nick think he needed a dictionary?
He already learned a lot of words from reading books.
He would GOOGLE the word.
He would just ask Mrs. Granger.
He just wouldn't do his homework.
What did Mrs. Granger treasure the most?
Her large dictionary.
Her tidy, little house.
Her jackets and skirts.
Her perfect attendance at school.
What did Mrs. Granger do to the students who were caught with gum?
The gum would placed on a yellow index card, pinned on shirt
She didn't care if you had gum.
She made you put it on the end of your nose and wear it
She had you put in on the top of your paper, write an essay
Why is Mrs. Granger famous?
All of the above.
She is known to have X-ray vision.
She makes them use the dictionary.
The students can't get away with anything.
What are three adjectives that describe Mrs. Granger?
strict, stern, confident
arrogant, aggressive, mean
silly, funny, mischievious
lax, sweet, friendly
Why do you think Janet Fisk joined in with Nick to make noises?
she just thought it would be fun.
Janet wasn't in the story.
Janet never joined Nick and made noises.
Janet was the person making the noises the entire time
Who is Mrs. Avery?
Nick's 4th grade teacher
She was Nick's mom.
The principal of the school
She was the girl in the class who made the noises.
Why do you suppose Miss Deaver let the class get out of control?
She is a new teacher, and maybe she didn’t understand.
She didn't want to teach the class.
She wanted to get fired from her teaching job.
She wanted to the kids to get suspended.
Why did the 3rd grade trip to the South Seas suddenly end?
The kids tracked sand into the hallway.
The sea dried up.
the trip to the South Seas never ended.
Miss Deaver was fired.
What is the Name of Nick’s school?
Lincoln Elementary
Welch Elementary
Parkside Elementary
Washington Elementary
Name two adjectives to describe Nick Allen.
mischievous and clever
cowardly and calm
shy and respectful
afraid and loyal