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Sea creatures riddles

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I am not one animal but thousands! I make a reef and fish live near me, on me or in me.
I float in the water with long tentacles. I sting fish or people.
I move slowly on the ocean floor with my star shaped body. I can be so many colours.
I have eight legs and three hearts. I don't have any bones.
Oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, everywhere there is water I can live. Sometimes I live with you in a bowl.
I am the biggest animal in the world, and not a fish. I eat very small animals called plankton.
Blue whale
I am a slow sea animal, I have a hard shell and four legs.
I have a long tail and a head like a horse. I don't have stomach or teeth.
I am scary and I eat fish and sometimes people. I am big or small, and I have lots and lots of teeth.
I am very clever and swim fast, I look like a fish but am a mammal. I breath air like you.