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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you give examples of how the moral of this fable applies to real life?
Free answer.
Can you give examples of how the moral of this fable applies to real life?
Free answer.
Can you give examples of how the moral of this fable applies to real life?
Free answer.
Can you give examples of how the moral of this fable applies to real life?
Free answer.
Can you give examples of how the moral of this fable applies to real life?
Free answer.
What is the moral of this story?
One good action deserves another.
What is the name of this fable?
The lion and the mouse.
Why does the hare lose the competition?
Because it stops to rest thinking the tortoise would never win.
Who is faster, the hare or the tortoise?
The hare.
What is the moral of this story?
Never give up.
What is the name of this fable?
The hare and the tortoise.
Does the ant help the grasshopper?
Yes, it does.
What is the moral of this story?
Be prepared for difficult days.
What is the name of this fable?
The ant and the grasshopper.
What is the moral of this fable?
Don't judge others by their appearance.
What is the name of this fable?
The cat, the rooster and the young mouse.
The young mouse has a very good ideia. Is it easy or difficult to put the plan into action?
It is difficult.
In this fable, is the cat a predator or a prey?
A predator.
What is the moral of this fable?
Easier said than done.
What is the name of this fable?
Belling the cat.