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Affixes 5th Grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the benefit of a removable sticker?
it does not have to stay in one place
it stays securely in one place
Which item is more affordable?
an inexpensive used car
an expensive luxury yacht
Which is more visible?
artwork on the door of your classroom
artwook stored in your closet
Why might you use erasable ink?
so that you can make changes
so that your words cannot be altered
Which is predictable?
where the sun will rise
who will win the lottery
Which is replaceable?
something common
something rare
If a couple refuses to sell their car for only five thousand dollars, which offer might be more acceptable to them?
eight thousand dollars
three thousand dollars
What is a fearless person like?
Which is meaningless?
a random string of words
a sentence
When might you feel helpless?
when you have no power to change things
when you have the power to change things
How might a thoughtless comment make someone feel?
If someone is left speechless by a performance, what is she likely to do?
admire it in silence
immediately start talking about it
How would you feel after a sleepless night?
Which is a more thoughtful way to make a decision?
writing out the pros and cons
making a random choice
Which is considered to be respectful?
waiting your turn in line
cutting in front of someone in line
Why might a certain task be stressful?
because it is urgent
because it is relaxing
How would you feel after a restful day?
Who is less skillful?
an amateur athlete
a professional athlete
Which are you more likely to feel doubtful about?
a story that seems exaggerated
a story that seems accurate
Which is someone more likely to be prideful about?
an accomplishment
a mistake
When are you likely to have a disagreement with someone?
when you have different opinions
when you share the same opinion
Which is an infrequent visitor?
one you rarely see
one you often see
Which is disrespectful?
forgetting to say please and thank you
remembering to say please and thank you
Why might someone become inactive?
because she has broken a bone
because she is training for a marathon
Which would make water impure?
adding chemicals
adding ice
Which is a disadvantage in a race?
starting after other racers
starting before other racers
Which would be considered improper?
wiping your nose on your sleeve
walking to school instead of taking the bus
Which is an impossibility?
being in two places at once
visiting two cities in one day
Where might a misfiled document about Ms. Delgado be found?
In a folder labeled "J"
in a folder labeled "D"
How could a news report misrepresent an event?
by leaving out important details
by giving too many details
How might a mistreated person feel?
How do mismatched items look?
the same
What are you more likely to misunderstand?
complicated directions
simple directions
What would you expect to happen if a letter had a misprint in its address?
it would arrive at the wrong place
it would arrive at the correct place
Which word is a speaker less likely to mispronounce?
a familiar word
an unfamiliar word
Who needs a reminder to return his library books?
a person who usually forgets
a person who usually remembers
Why might you recheck your work on a test?
because you found mistakes the first time you checked it
because you don´t have time to finish it
Which would you refreeze?
ice cubes that are staring to melt
water that you want to make into ice cubes
Who can get remarried?
someone who was married before but is not now
someone who has never been married
When can a writer review her essay?
after she has written it
before she has written it
How much time does a precooked meal take to prepare?
less time than usual
more time than usual
Who is more likely to participate in a precollege program?
high school students
When would a group of people prescreen a movie?
before the film is released to the public
after the film is released to the public
When does a basketball team complete its pregame warm-up?
right before the game begins
right before halftime begins
Which group predates the other?
When would you preheat an oven?
a few minutes before you are ready to use it.
right when you are ready to use it.
When would you prewash a new shirt?
before you wear it for the first time
as soon as it gets dirty