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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The name of a perceptual phenomenon where people can see sound or hear taste.
What is nuclear fall out?
When radioactive material blown into the atmosphere falls back to Earth
Where does the woman's swim ware, "bikini", get its name from?
Bikini Atoll where America did nuclear testing
What does DNA stand for?
deoxyribonucleic acid
A temperature change of 1 Kelvin is equal to a change of how many degrees Celsius?
1 degree Celsius
What unit is the height of a horse measured in?
What is the etymology of the word 'Calculus'?
(small) pebble
France's longest border is shared with which other country?
The French phrase "ç'est la vie" Translates to what?
It's life
This is the symbol for the most commonly occurring phoneme in English. What is its name?
Who is Tenzin Gyatso?
The Dalai Lama
Which country has the largest population in the world? A)Los Angeles B)Dubai C)China D)Johannesburg
Alexis Ohanian, a co-founder of reddit is married to which famous tennis player?
Serena Williams
To revamp is to "give new and improved form, structure, or appearance". What is a vamp?
A piece of material on a shoe
The person who invented the "Automatic pool cleaner" came from which country?
How many classes are there in Team Fortress 2?
1) Scout 2) Soldier 3) Pyro 4) DemoMan 5) Heavy 6) Engineer 7) Medic 8) Sniper 9) Spy
How many laps around the Monopoly board must you do before you can buy property?
What is Nick Edmond's wife's name?
Where is Gondwana?
Name any 2: South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, the Indian Subcontinent, Zealandia, and Arabia
What is the name for a word that can have opposite meanings depending on the context?
contronym or Janus word or auto-antonym
What does the adjective "parsimonious" mean?
unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal.
How many kilograms does 1 litre of water weigh?
Which of the following is not a skill in the Massively Multiplayer Online game Old School Runescapeâ„¢? A)Crafting B)Construction C)Fletching D)Smelting
How many of the other planets in our solar system would fit in the gap between Earth and the Moon?
All of them