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Present simple - sea animals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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...... you ....... dolphins? (LIKE)
Do you like dolphins?
A starfish ......... on the rocks. (CHILLAX)
A starfish chillaxes on the rocks.
A sea snake ......... on the sea bottom. (SLIDE)
A sea snake slides on the sea bottom.
A seahorse ........... legs. (NOT HAVE)
A seahorse doesn't have legs.
A turtle ....... in the ocean. (SWIM)
A turtle swims in the ocean.
I .............. jellyfish. (NOT LIKE)
I don't like jellyfish.
I ....... dolphins. (LIKE)
I like dolphins.
People ...... squid. (EAT)
People eat squid.
Whales ......... air. (BREATHE)
Whales breathe air.
Penguins ......... a beak. (HAVE)
Penguins have a beak.
Seals ..... fish. (EAT)
Seals eat fish.
An octopus ....... eight legs. (HAVE)
An octopus has eight legs.
A shark ______ in the sea. (LIVE)
A shark lives in the sea.
Sharks ....... in the sea. (LIVE)
Sharks live in the sea.