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LH 5 Adverbs of frequency - New Tiger - Unit 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say "zuk beti erabiltzen dituzu aurikularrak musika entzuteko"?
You always use headphones to listen to music.
How do you say "Asierrek askotan bideo konsola erabiltzen du"?
Asier often/usually uses video game console.
How do you say "patioan, ez dugu inoiz portatila erabiltzen"?
In the playground, we never use the laptop.
You use this to listen to music.
It`s a MP3 player or headphones
You use this to see people in the screen of the computer.
It´s a webcam
How do you say "guk ez dugu inoiz gps-a erabiltzen"?
we never use the satnav
How do you say "nik beti erabiltzen dut portatila emailak idazteko"?
I always use the laptop to write emails.
How do you say "nik ez dut inoiz ordenagailua erabiltzen etxekolanak egiteko"?
I never use the computer to do my homework.
How do you say "berak ez du inoiz ordenagailua erabiltzen"?
She/he never uses the computer.
You use this to time activities.
It´s a stopwatch
How do you say "nik batzuetan kronometroa erabiltzen dut"?
I sometimes use the stopwatch
How do you say "Amaiak askotan erabiltzen ditu aurikularrak musika entzuteko"?
Amaia often/usually uses headphones to listen to music.
You use this in a car to find different places.
It´s a satnav
You use this to recharge electronic gadgets. What is it?
It´s a charger
How do you say "etxean, Mikelek beti portatila erabiltzen du"?
At home, Mikel always uses the laptop.
How do you say "eskolan, guk ez dugu mobila inoiz erabiltzen"?
At school, we never use the mobile phone.
How do you say "Lucy-k askotan tableta erabiltzen du bideoak ikusteko"?
Lucy usually/often uses the tablet to watch videos.
How do you say "berak ez du inoiz MP3-a erabiltzen"?
He/she never uses the MP3 player
How do you say "kalkulagailua beti erabiltzen dut matematika egiteko"?
I always use the calculator to do Maths
How do you say "batzuetan pen drive-a erabiltzen dut"?
I sometimes use the pen drive.