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adverb of frequency

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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go/ They/ to visit / sometimes/ grandparents/ their.
They sometimes go to visit their grandparents.
I ride my bike. (75% of the time)
I usually ride my bike.
David is happy. (70% of the time)
David is usually happy.
We go to church on Sunday. 0% of the time)
We never go to church on Sunday.
I get up at 9:00 a.m ( 75% of the time)
I usually get up at 9:00 a.m
You play the guitar. __(10%)__
You rarely  play the guitar
They play baseball. __(80%)__
They usually play baseball.
I brush my teeth. __(100%)_
I Always brush my teeth.
Simon / never / late / is/ to go to school.
Simon is never late to go to school.
is / The library / quiet / always
The library is always quiet.
is / occasionally / clean / Her house 
Her house is occasionally  clean.
Ms. Gray / funny / is / sometimes
Ms Gray is sometimes funny.
She does her homework. __(100%)____
She always does  her homework.
I drink coffe.(50%)
I sometimes drink coffee.
She / kind/ is / seldom.
She is seldom kind.
I take a shower.(100%)
I always take a shower.
I clean the house(100%)
I always clean the house(100%)