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Clever Creatures and Living Lights

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What feature of the snake is the "fork at the front"?
It's a tongue.  
What genre is the text "Living lights"? A science article or a poem?
Living lights is a science article.
Can you think of a sentence with the contraction "isn't" ?
He isn't happy because .....
Can you think of a word which rhymes with "light"?
night / fight / bright / sight
How does a Io moth scare away its predators?
The wings look like eyes which scare the predators away!
What is the contraction of " You are..."?  Give an example sentence.
You're / You're awesome!
They're = ? ( expand the contraction) Give an example sentence.
They are / They are working.
What is bioluminescent? Give an example of a creature which uses this.
Something that makes it own light. It glows. Jelly fish, fireflies, glow worms
Why does a firefly glow? To send messages? To hide from predators? To attract prey??
To send messages
What part of a firefly glows?
Its tail glows.
How does this fish attract its prey? 
It uses the light at the end of its rod to attract its prey.