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LH 5 electronic gadgets

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You use this like a computer but it can be easily moved from one place to another. What is it?
It´s a laptop
You use this to save photos, documents and music. What is it?
It´s a pen drive
You use this to time activities. What is it?
It´s a stopwatch
How often does she use the stopwatch to time her homework?
She never uses the stopwatch
She never use the stopwatch
He never uses the stopwatch
She uses the stopwatch never
You use this in a car to find places. What is it?
It´s a satnav
You use this to recharge electronic gadgets. What is it?
It´s a charger
You use this to see people on your computer screen. What is it?
It´s a webcam
How often do you use the calculator to do Maths?
I often do
I do often
Often do I
He often does
You put this on your head to listen to music. What are they?
They´re headphones
How often do you use headphones?
I usually use headphones
I usually uses headphones
Usually I use headphones
I use headphones
Do you use the pen drive to save photos?
No, I never do
No, I does
Yes, I never do
No, she never does
Do they use the webcam to see people on the screen?
Yes, they sometimes do
Yes, she does
Yes, they do sometimes
Yes, he sometimes does
Does he use the laptop to play games?
Yes, he usually does
Yes, he usually do
Yes, I do
Yes, usually he does
Do you use the MP3 player to listen to the radio?
Yes, I often do
Yes, often
Yes, she often does
No, she doesn`t
How often does she use video game console?
She sometimes uses the video game console
She sometimes use the video game console
She uses sometimes the video game console
She use the video game console sometimes
How often do you use the charger?
I always use the charger to recharge my mobile phone
I always uses the charger to recharge my mobile phone
Always I use the charger to recharge my mobile phone
Always use the charger
How often does he use the tablet?
He usually uses the tablet
He usually use the tablet
He uses usually the tablet
He uses the tablet ususally
How often do you use the stopwatch?
I often use the stopwatch
Often I use the stopwatch
I use often the stopwatch
I use the stopwatch often