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Adjectives: "er/ier" or "more" and "much"

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He eats ________ he wants and he never gains weight.
as much as/ whatever
_________ his colleague, he takes the train rather than his car to work.
________ his colleagues; he drives to work in his car.
He works ____ hard _____ his colleagues.
as as
New places and strange faces make him _________ comfortable and _____ nervous.
less and more
When he is in a familiar place, he is __________ comfortable and relaxed.
more/ much more
Hr talks _____________ when he is with people he knows.
more/ much more
He talks __________ when he is around strangers.
less/ much less
He drives _____________ slower when he is not in a hurry.
He drives _____________ faster when he is in a hurry to get to work on time.
When I am not on a diet, I eat ___________
more/ much more
I work __________ during October.
much more/ much less/ less / more
I eat _________ when I am on a diet.
less/ much less
She is SCARY than him.
scarier/ much scarier/ less scarier
That movie is INTERESTING than this movie.
more interesting/ much more interesting/ less interesting 
Vacation is RELAXING than work.
more relaxing/ much more relaxing/ less relaxing 
Today is BUSY than yesterday.
busier/ much busier/ less busier
My sister is KIND than my brother.
kinder/ much kinder/ less kinder
My American cousin is DIFFERENT than my Korean cousin.
more different/ much more different
My room is DIRTY than my mom's room.
dirtier/ much dirtier
The room is CLEAN than the kitchen.
cleaner/ much cleaner
The girl is PRETTY than her brother.
prettier/ much prettier
My dad is SERIOUS than my brother.
more serious/ much more serious
The painting is UGLY than the photograph.
uglier/ much uglier
The boy is SAD than the girl.
sadder/ much sadder
The cat is LAZY than the dog.
lazier/ much lazier
That joke is FUNNY than this joke.
funnier/ much funnier
They are COMFORTABLE than you.
more comfortable/ much more comfortable
The dog is ANGRY than the cat.
angrier/ much angrier
My mom is HAPPY than my dad.
happier/ much happier
The firefighter is STRONG than me.
stronger/ much stronger
My friend lives CLOSE to me than my grandma.
closer/ much closer
The pig is FAT than the cat.
fatter/ much fatter
My mom's food is DELICIOUS than the restaurant's food.
more delicious/ much more delicious
I am SMART than my friend.
smarter/ much smarter
He is SHORT than her.
shorter/much shorter
Flowers are BEAUTIFUL than trees.
more beautiful/ much more beautiful
Ice cream is SWEET than potatoes.
sweeter/ much sweeter
Mice are SMALL  than dogs.
smaller/ much smaller
The car is EXPENSIVE than the necklace.
more expensive/ much more expensive
Your homework is DIFFICULT than our homework.
more difficult/much more difficult
That dog is BIG han my dog.
bigger/ much bigger