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Edwin's Travel Tips

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What will be taken into your consideration first when you're choosing a place to stay in? And why?
Try to share your ideas.
If you are a kind of person who enjoys being alone, staying in a hotel will be the best choice.
What kind of hotel may you make new friends easily when you're traveling?
What is the reading mostly about? (A) Where to find a nice holiday apartment. (B) How to choose a nice holiday apartment. (C) Why one should choose a holiday apartment. (D) How one can change their house into a holiday apartment.
What does the phrase, "at your disposal," mean? (A) You are free to use it. (B) You can find it everywhere. (C) You know everything about it. (D) You can buy it at a lower price.
Which kind of hotel will you choose if you're going to travel to another country? And why?
Try to share your opinions.
When you and your parents stay in a holiday apartment, you only have to pay for one room for 2 persons.
It's false.
In the writer's opinion, which kind of hotel is the best?
Holiday apartments.
What can you do if you're staying in a holiday apartment? (A) Cooking. (B) Gardening. (C) Playing games with friends in the living room. (D) Reading in a quiet and separate room.
All of them.
How many kinds of places can you choose to stay when you're traveling?
Why is a holiday apartment the best choice to the writer? (Two reasons)
1. The price is lower than the other two kinds of hotels. 2. The space is larger than the other two.
Which one do you have to pay the most, hotels, hostels, holiday apartments?
If you want to make meals by yourself when you're traveling, what kind of hotel may you choose?
Holiday apartments.
What kind of hotel will make you feel at home?
Holiday apartments.
Which kind of hotel do you have to stay with strangers while traveling?