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Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The beautiful horse is playing outside.
Noun: horse, outside. Verb: playing. Adjective: beautiful.
Will you sing the song?
Noun: you, song. Verb: sing.
The boy has long hair.
Noun: boy, hair. Verb: has. Adjective: long.
The man drives his black car.
Noun: man, car. Verb: drives. Adjective: black.
The sky has big clouds.
Noun: sky, clouds. Verb: has. Adjective: big.
The boy jumped into the hard wall.
Noun: boy, wall. Verb: jumped. Adjective: hard.
My coat is blue and white.
Noun: My, coat. Verb: is. Adjective: blue, white.
The pot has hot water.
Noun: pot, water. Verb: has. Adjective: hot.
I made a colorful salad.
Noun: I, salad. Verb: made. Adjective: colorful.
The tree has green leaves.
Noun: tree, leaves. Verb: has. Adjective: green.
My sister threw the baseball.
Noun: sister, baseball. Verb: threw.
The cow is eating hay.
Noun: cow, hay. Verb: eating.
She wore a red hat.
Noun: She, hat. Verb: wore. Adjective: red.
The brown dog ate the bone.
Noun: dog, bone. Verb: ate. Adjective: brown
The boy ran across the street.
Noun: boy, street Verb: ran