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Adjective Order

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I visited __________________________________ (ancient / a / spooky / German) castle.
a spooky ancient
They stayed in __________________________________ (little / a / cute) cottage.
a cute little
He saw __________________________________ (French / writing / old / an) desk.
an old French writing
She drank __________________________________ (Italian / black / hot) coffee.
hot black Italian
I want __________________________________ (silk / green / an / amazing) dress.
an amazing green silk
She dropped __________________________________ (old / beautiful / the) plate and it smashed.
the old beautiful
He is looking for __________________________________ (leather / stylish / a /black) bag.
a stylish black leather
9. She bought __________________________________ (plastic / red / a / new) lunchbox.
a new red plastic
He has __________________________________ (a lot of / old / interesting) books.
a lot of interesting old
__________________________________ (young / a / pretty) girl walked into the room.
A pretty young
6. He wants __________________________________ (some / French / delicious / really) cheese.
some really delicious
5. They have __________________________________ (Dutch / black) bicycles.
black Dutch
4. He bought __________________________________ (woollen / a / British / fabulous) suit.
a fabulous British woollen
4. He bought __________________________________ (woollen / a / British / fabulous) suit.
a fabulous woolen British
She went home and sat on __________________________________ (comfortable / her / wooden / old) bed.
her comfortable old wooden
2. They bought __________________________________ (red / a / new) car.
a red new
We wanted __________ (grey/ a/ metal) table.
a grey metal