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IPA Vowels

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give an example of a word with /ay/
example: sigh
Give an example of a word with /aw/
example: now
Which vowel sound is most similar to /ʌ/?
is /É›/ high mid or low?
Is ÊŠ front, central, or back?
is /æ/ high mid or low?
Give an example of a word with /oy/
example: loyal
Which vowel sound is reduced in the word: alpaca (initial/middle/final)
Give an example of a word with /ow/
example: goat
Give an example of a word with /uw/
example: root
Make a minimal pair with /ey/ and /É›/
example: late and let
Give an example of a word with /É”/
example: bought
is /ay/ a glide or diphthong?
make a minimal pair for /iy/ and /I/
example: seat and sit
What's another word for /É™/
Is /a/ front, central or back?
Give an example of a word with /æ/
example: cat
Give an example of a word with /ÊŠ/
example: good