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A3 Food vocab
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the meat from a cow called?
What is the difference between to boil and to steam?
The water cooks the food when you boil. When you steam, the steam/vapour cooks the food
Say 2 ways you can cook eggs
Boil, fry
Say 3 types of seafood
Mussels, prawns, crab...
How do you say eggplant in British English?
My doctor has told me I have high cholesterol so I need to ______ ______ on the amount of fat I eat
cut down
I am lactose intolerant so I need to _____ ______ dairy products from my diet
cut out
What is the phrasal verb that means to eat in restaurants?
Eat out
How do you say courgette in American English?
What meat comes from a pig?
Say 2 fruits that begin with the letter M
Mango, melon
Say 3 ways you can cook potatoes
Fry, boil, roast, bake