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Unit 1- Water and FANBOYS

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use a FANBOYS: "Whales ____ dolphins are mammals that live in the ocean.
People who design, build, or maintain engines, machines, or structures are...
What does it mean "to loot"
To steal during a time of chaos
Use a FANBOYS: "The Czech Republic is landlocked. It doesn't have a sea ____ ocean."
The cat is...
Someone who doesn't drink water for a full day is probably...
Correct or Incorrect? "My ice cream melted, so I had left it in the hot car."
Incorrect- "for", not "so"
Use a FANBOYS: "He's had 5 glasses of water, ____ he's still thirsty."
Use a FANBOYS: "Camels can go 1 week without water, ____ they store water in their humps."
Correct or Incorrect? "Residents were warned of the coming flood, yet many decided to stay home."
Incorrect or Correct? "Do you prefer to swim in fresh, or salt water?"
Incorrect- No comma
Correct or Incorrect? "I'm sweating yet I don't feel hot."
Incorrect- needs a comma
Correct or Incorrect? "I don't want to meet a scorpion nor not a rattle snake in the desert."
Incorrect- no "not"
The two types of water you can order at a restaurant are...
Still water and sparkling water
What is it?
The pond ______, so we were able to go ice skating.
Can you __________ some water for tea?
There was a terrible ________ in Prague in 2002
The Titanic ___________ to the bottom of the ocean in 1912.
The two types of water found in nature are...
Salt water and fresh water
What is it?