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8th grade math vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bunus points! No calculator, What is the value of 3 cubed?
What is the value of 3 squared?
What is the exponent in 3 to the power of 9?
the 9
What is the base in the question: 3 to the power of 8
the 3
What is the coefficient in this question: 4z
the 4
What is the value of the variable in this question: 4z=16
What is the variable in this question: 4z
the z
Are the absolute values of these number equivalent? 12 vs. -12
Are the absolute values of these numbers equivalent? 345 vs. -290
Bonus extra points question! What is the answer to this question? (no calculators!)
0.20 is a decimal, but what is the equivalent percentage?
Another word for "number" or a result of a calculation is?
When you change one value to another (like gallons to cups of water), you have to ________ one to another.
The answer to a math problem is sometimes called the
The number we divide by is called
the divisor
The number being divided is called the
The result of dividing a number is called
The quotient
When you compare two numbers, like people who like chocolate ice cream vs people who prefer vanilla, it is called a ________.
a ratio
What do we call a whole number that is positive, negative, or 0?
An integer
Is 2.5 a whole number?
Is -5/4 an integer?
Is 0 an integer?