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Kitchen Safety

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Flammable refers to something that is
easily on fire
already on fire
When a person is choking they need
Mouth to mouth
Frist degree burn is the
Least severe
most severe
The worst burn is caused by
A deep knife cut is a
A scrape on the skin is a
Sanitizer is an example of a
Chemical hazard
physical hazard
A piece of hair is a
physical hazard
chemical hazard
biological hazard
Which Fire extinguisher puts out a grease fire?
Class B
Class A
Class C
Safest method to defrost food is
boiling water
TDZ is
takes care of standards for the workplace
makes sure all the food is fresh
Makes sure food isn't expensive
The best method to know if meat is cook throughout is to
use a themometer
set a timer
eyeball it looking for the right color
When opening a pot containing steam
open the lid away from you
barely open and peak inside
open quickly
When pots and pans are on the stovetop the handle should
away from the edge
point to the back
point to the front for easy access
To wash knives and other sharp equipment
set aside and wash seperate
wipe with a towel and put away
soak in soapy water
When using a knife, the safest option is
Sharp, and cut away from your body
dull, and cut away from your body
Sharp, with item held in hand firmly
When cleaning up broken glass, it is best to
sweep, then use a wet paper towel for little pieces
pick up the large pieces with your hands, blow the rest
pick up while wearing latex gloves
If a persons' clothing catches fire, it is best to
cover them with a blanket, stop, drop, and roll
spray them with a hose
run to a phone and call 911
When draining a pot of cooked pasta it is safest to
drain the liquid into the sink, away from you
drain the liquid into the sink, toward you
Protect your eyes with your hands
When grease or oil catches fire, it should be put out by
throw flour or baking soda on it
pour water on it
blow it out