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B-L2-3-4 FLIPS (Sep 11-13 by Mario)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this country? 30 seconds. Point it out on the map! 1 person
Where are they from?
They are from Japan.
They are from Marioland.
They are from Sky.
They are from Taiwan.
FREE if you have the letter "A" or "E" in your name!
What country are POCKY sticks from?
水を飲んでもいいですか means...
Can I drink some water?
I do not like cold water.
Do you like cats?
Can I swim in the water?
Where can you see the Statue of Liberty?
What is the KIWI bird eating?
It is eating a kiwi.
It is eating an apple.
It is eating little tree.
It is eating candy.
Whose parents ( mom and dad) are they?
They are Mario's mom and dad.
They are Wilma's mom and dad.
They are Andrew's mom and dad.
They are Mark's mom and dad.
Whaaaaaaaaat 2 animals are they/?
a shark and a horse
What is my name?
Mario's cat
Hello Kitty
Sky Cat
How old is Teacher Jake?
35 years old
42 years old
29 years old
9 years old