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ADV 1 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I received a letter from the University I applied to, I got in.
comma splice
Some educated people believe in witchcraft, I am not one of them.
comma splice
Proofreading: Academic essays tend to be highly logical, clear logical reasoning is very persuasive.
comma splice
Proofreading error: I hate homework it is so boring.
run-on sentence
Correct this: Practice was scheduled for Friday the bad weather caused it to be cancelled.
Proofreading error: P.E is most students favorite school subject; they wish they had it every day.
correct sentence
Proofreading error: The twins are always getting into trouble they spilled juice all over the floor.
run-on sentence
Proofreading error: My father is a doctor he has saved many people's lives.
run-on sentence
Proofreading error: Because I remembered that her birthday is on Friday.
Even though Marcos was in love with her, he was unable to express himself; it was no surprise she left him.
compound-complex sentence
When Jill came to town, we all celebrated, for we knew she would be the life of the party.
compound-complex sentence
Luis and Carlos arrived at the bus station early but waited until noon for the bus.
simple sentence
My friend and I didn’t buy anything on our trip.
simple sentence
Jimmy had a stomachache, yet he went to a buffet.
compound sentence
You can stay if you cant.
compound sentence
When writing a complex sentence, commas are mandatory to join clauses.
The police, the firefighters, the ambulance and the marine arrived at the scene and searched for casualties.
simple sentence
Maria registered for all of her classes by mail; Brad was not able to do so.
compound sentence
After he retired from the Army, Eisenhower ran for president.
complex sentence
She'll agree to cooperate if you help her too.
complex sentence
Because the property tax rate is lower, some people choose to buy homes in Alabama.
complex sentence
Although it was late, María still tried to save her relationship.
complex sentence
Ronnie hates apples, but he loves to drink apple juice.
compound sentence
IC: Megan drove to her mother's house although it was late.
Megan drove to her mother's house
DC:Before you go, make sure you have your cell phone.
Before you go
IC: I’ll try not to fall asleep until I get your text.
I’ll try not to fall asleep
DC:Even if I try to stay awake, I know I will fall asleep.
Even if I try to stay awake
DC: If you ever go to California, you have to visit one of the top wineries.
If you ever go to California
IC: Because it was cold outside, I had to wear my coat
I had to wear my coat
Mention three examples of subordinating conjunctions
This type of clause cannot stand alone as a sentence and begins with a subordinating conjunction.
This type of clause has a complete noun, complete predicate, and can stand alone as a sentence.