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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your photos of our holiday are _________ mine. (good)
Your photos of our holiday are better than mine. (good)
The houses by the sea are __________ those in the town centre. (colourful)
The houses by the sea are more colourful than those in the town centre. (colourful)
The River Thames is ________ any other river in England. (long)
The River Thames is longer than any other river in England. (long)
The market is _______ the supermarket for vegetables. (cheap)
The market is cheaper than the supermarket for vegetables. (cheap)
Come in the summer. The weather is _______ in the spring. (good)
Come in the summer. The weather is better than in the spring. (good)
It rains a lot in the spring. April is _______ than July. (wet)
It rains a lot in the spring. April is wetter than July.
cycling/ slower/ is/ than/ Walking.
Walking is slower than cycling.
Weather in summer is _____ (hot) than in winter.
Weather in summer is hotter than in winter.
Modern cars are _____ (fast) old cars.
Modern cars are faster than old cars.