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Narrative tenses

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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As soon as she (get) home, she (make) herself a sandwich.
As soon as she got home, she made herself a sandwich
Correct this sentence: When she ate her sandwich, she went to bed.
When she had eaten her sandwich, she went to bed
I (have) breakfast and (listen) to the news when the phone (ring).
I was having breakfast and listening to the news when the phone rang
We (drive) for about ten minutes when we (notice) smoke coming from the engine.
We had been driving for about ten minutes when we noticed smoke coming from the engine
When I was / had been sure I finished / had finished everything, I left / had left the office.
When I was sure I had finished everything, I left the office
When we got / were getting to the cinema, the film started / was starting / had started, so we missed the beginning.
When we got to the cinema, the film had started
Correct this sentence: After I graduated, I was living in London for ten years.
After I graduated, I lived in London for ten years
Before I left / had left home, I called / had called the office.
Before I left home, I called the office
The kitchen was a mess as I was cooking / had cooked / had been cooking all day.
... as I had been cooking all day
Correct this sentence: She'd been writing twenty letters, so she was tired.
She'd written twenty letters, so she was tired
Correct this sentence: When I had got to the office, my boss had been leaving.
When I got to the office, my boss left/was leaving/ had (already) left
Correct this sentence: When I was a small child, we had lived in a house in the country.
When I was a small child, we lived in a house in the country
He was covered in blood and (tear) his jacket. It was clear he (fight) again.
He was covered in blood and had torn his jacket. It was clear he had been fighting again.
I was so late that by the time I got there, all the food had eaten / was eaten / had been eaten.
... all the food had been eaten
Correct this sentence: The roads were very slippery as it rained all morning.
The roads were very slippery as it had been raining all morning
Correct this sentence: By the time the emergency supplies arrived, thirty people had been dying.
By the time the emergency supplies arrived, thirty people had died
Correct this sentence: By the time our food arrived, we waited half an hour.
By the time our food arrived, we had been waiting half an hour.
I couldn't see anything as I lost / had lost my glasses.
I couldn't see anything, as I had lost my glasses
When we got / were getting to the party, everyone danced and drank / was dancing and drinking.
When we got to the party everyone was dancing and drinking
Correct this sentence: As soon as she was seeing the time, she was jumping out of bed.
As soon as she saw the time, she jumped out of bed
I met / have met her when we were / had been at school together.
I met her when we were at school together
When the helicopter finally (find) us, we (sit) in the lifeboat for hours and (eat) all our food.
When the helicopter finally found us, we had been sitting in the lifeboat for hours and had eaten all our food
They waited / were waiting until everyone had left / was leaving the bank and then broke in / were breaking in.
They waited until everybody had left the bank and then broke in
Before I was starting / started / have started my present job, I was working / worked for a bank for two years
Before I started my present job, I worked...