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Epithelial Tissues Revision quiz

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How are goblet cells and ciliated columnar epithelial cells adapted to suit their function in the respiratory passage?
Goblet cells produce mucus to trap pathogens and dust while cilia move to push them away from the lungs. This is coughed out/moved to the mouth and swallowed.
Identify the tissue:
Cuboidal epithelial tissue
Identify the tissue:
Ciliated columnar epithelial tissue
Identify the tissue:
Squamous Epithelial Tissue
Name at least three substances that cuboidal cells are capable of secreting.
Milk, enzymes, hormones, sweat, saliva, oil.
Where would I not find squamous epithelial tissue? A) Skin B) Alveoli of lungs C) Blood vessels D) Kidneys
D) Kidneys
Which organ would I be likely to find ciliated epithelial cells? A) Mouth B) Fallopian Tubes C) Heart
B) Fallopian tubes
What type of tissue contains goblet cells?
Columnar epithelial
When epithelial cells are layered it is called ____ epithelium.
What is the name of the layer found below all epithelial tissue?
Basement membrane