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Context Clues

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Taylor is never happy when everyone is getting along. She always instigates fights and then acts like little Miss Innocent. When you instigate something, what do you do?
get it started
protect it
check it out
ignore it
"Can you locate the state of Ohio?" Miss Braun asked pointing to the map. The word locate means..,
Ricardo is quite versatile. He is a good athlete, a top student, and a gourmet chef. What does the word versatile mean?
having many different skills
having no skills
Instead of a grimace, Violet had a big smile across her face. What does the word grimace mean?
Eman was suspicious when the clown handed her a box. But her GULLIBLE little sister opened it anyway. What does the word gullible mean?
A volunteer firefighter works for no pay. What does the word volunteer mean?
Someone who works for no pay
A firefighter
Someone who is paid
Stealing is an infraction, or the act of breaking the law. What does the word infraction mean?
The act of breaking the law
A ticket
My dog is so timid. He is like a little mouse that hides when he gets scared. What does the word timid mean?
The news story was based on a letter that was a FABRICATION. Now the reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble. Will anyone believe him again? What does FABRICATION mean?
full of long words
made of cloth
Mr. Wyatt was very proud of his auto superstore. "We have such an EXTENSIVE selection of cars," he said, "so everyone should find a vehicle that he or she will love!" What does EXTENSIVE mean?
large amount
not enough
having no color
costing lots of money
What does the capitalized word mean?: The pioneers who had ENDURED the long winter welcomed the warm spring.
What does the capitalized word mean?: The salesman lowered the price on the car, which made it a bargin.
good price
car for kids
colorful car
expensive deal
What does the capitalized word mean?: The TRAGIC ending to the story made the woman cry.
What does the capitalized word mean?: They COMPOSED a letter to the governor, asking for more soldiers in the fort.
What does the capitalized word mean?: A BANQUET of roasted meat was served after the duke's marriage.
Hensley was RELUCTANT to take the job as captain of the team. He was afraid that the time it would take would hurt his grades. On the other hand, Eden was eager for the change to be the captain. What does RELUCTANT mean? How do you know?
In this sentence the words "on the other hand" and "eager" tell us that Eden feels the opposite of Hensley, therefore, reluctant means uncertain or cautious.
Miss Braun ADMONISHED her students and they knew they were in hot water for their actions. What does admonished mean? How do you know?
In the this sentence the words "in hot water" tells us that admonished means cautioned or scolded.
After seeing the picture of the starving children, we felt COMPASSION or pity for their suffering. What does compassion mean? How do you know?
In this sentence the word "pity" tells us that compassion means to have understanding for.
What should you look for when trying to figure out the meaning of a word?
all of the above
examples and definitions
words you know and pictures
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: apparent, evident, easily understood Clues: only one in bathroom
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: imitate, mock Clues: under my breath, disrespectful
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: sparkled, shined Clues: sparked, sunshine
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: unlikely, probably won't happen Clues: although possible, never lost
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: tightened Clues: stormed out of room, sister's fault
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: old, creaky, worn Clues: old house, fall over
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: kept in good condition, prevented from being ruined Clues: safe place, doesn't break
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: extremely old Clues: old vase, time of dinosaurs
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: not entirely honest, tricking Clues: tricked in the past
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: scary, frightening Clues: complete darkness, howling wind
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: exactly Clues: only reason to finish, busy night
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonyms: many choices Clues: usually few flavors, now many
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonym: cover-up, hide Clues: don't want her mom to know
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonym: grow stronger, do very well Clues: new school, rated the best
What is a synonym for the word? What clues in the sentence helped you figure out the words meaning?
Synonym: thrilled, excited Clues: amusement park, best ride ever
What are context clues?
Context clues are words or groups of word that give hints or clues about the meaning of an unknown word.