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CAE Warmer
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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5 false friends
constipated, sensible, embarrassed, library, assist, attend...
Pronounce this word "choir".
Name 7 birds
Students' own
Name 4 adjectives that are followed by "to".
Accustomed, sensitive, opposed, keen, determined...
Name 3 verbs that are followed by the preposition "for".
Students' own: Look, Search, Apologise, Hope...
Name 4 adverbs that can be used with ungradable adjectives.
Students' own: Totally, Utterly, Completely, Absolutely, Quite...
Name 5 internal organs.
Students' own: Brain, Liver, Lungs, Kidneys, Spleen, Bladder, Appendix...
What are the adjectives and adverbs that can be formed from "doubt"?
Students' own: Doubtful, Undoubted, Doubtless, Doubtfully, Doubtlessly, Undoubtedly...
Name 3 nouns you can make from the adjective "short".
Students' own: Shortage, Shortcoming, Shortness, Shortfall...
How do you form an adverb?
Add "ly" to most adjectives except ones that end in "c" where you add "ally".
What are the 5 types of writing you do at C1.
Essay, Report, Proposal, Review, Letter.
How many parts are there in the C1 Reading and Use of English paper?
Name 5 verbs of walking/movement.
Students' own: Stroll, Wander, Limp, Stagger, Crawl, Meander, Crawl, Hobble, Totter...
Name 5 verbs of sight.
Students' own: Glare, Gaze, Stare, Peer, Peek, Peep, Glance, Glimpse...
Give an example of emphasis with inversion/negative inversion.
Students' own: Not only, no sooner, hardly, seldom, rarely, only, little did I know...
Give an example of a mixed conditional.
Students' own: Should include a 2nd and 3rd conditional.
Name 5 three-part phrasal verbs and their meaning.
Students' own: Look forward to, Get away with, Look out for, Stand up to, Get out of, Keep up with...
Name 5 things that a lion has that I don't.
Students' own: Fur, Paws, Claws, Tail, Mane, Whiskers...
Name 5 verbs that change meaning depending on if they are followed by a gerund or an infinitive. How does the meaning change?
Students' own: Remember, Forget, Mean, Stop, Try, Regret, Go on
Give an example sentence using "if only".
Students' own: Should have the same structure as a sentence with wish.
Name 5 phrasal verbs with "out" and their meaning.
Students' own: Stand out, Look out, Keep out, Cut out, Hand out, Give out, Look out for, make out, work out, get out of...
Name 5 seafoods
Students' own: Prawn, Shrimp, Octopus, Clams, Lobster, Crayfish, Cuttlefish, Cod, Hake...