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Our best player________ in the second half and was taken off the field to see the team's doctor.
got injured
The Argentinian striker ______ four goals in the last game.
Brazil______________ Sweden. They had a much better team .
Marc__________ the ball to his brother, but his brother dropped it.
I didn ’t play well in the semifinal round. I _____ J_____2-6 ,1-6 .
Joe ______ the score when he hit a home run!
The players ____________ by jogging and doing easy exercises just before the game started.
warmed up
The Canadian runner ______________ the race. He got the gold medal.
The team ______________ hard every day before the tournament.
The US ______Russia last night for the championship.
a large structure, usually with no roof, where people can sit and watch sports
a person who trains people to compete in certain sports
an area of ground where people play soccer
soccer field
exercise to become healthy and strong
get in shape
to hit something with your foot
an area where golf is played
golf course
somebody who is very enthusiastic about sports
fan / fans
an area where skiing is done
ski slope
the person who controls a soccer game
referee / umpire
an area of water that swimmers use
swimming pool