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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What animals have already dissapeared from your country?
Do you think that animals would rather not be kept as pets?
If animals could speak, what do you think they would say to humans?
What natural animal ability or talent would you like to have?
Do you think it is necessary to experiment on animals to test cosmetics and drugs?
Is it OK to keep animals in zoos?
Is it OK to use animals in sport?
Are there any dangerous animals in your country?
Are there any endangered species in your country?
What will happen if we keep polluting the environment?
Where will we get our energy when we run out of oil?
Which countries cause more pollution? Why?
What can governments do to protect the environment?
What can normal people do to protect the envionment?
Big cities are often very noisy places. How can we reduce noise pollution?
"Honestly, I don't care about taking care of the environment. I won't be around in the future." Do you share this opinion?
Traffic jams cause air pollution. How can we reduce traffic jams?
Do you drink bottle water? What is its effect on the environment?
People throw away tons of garbage every day. How can we reduce the amount of garbage?
Some factories dump waste in the water in rivers and sees. How can we prevent this?
Some people throw away rubbish wherever they go. What can we do about this?
What do you recycle?
Do you know any place where there is no pollution at all? Where is it?
In your opinion, which is the worst form of pollution?
What's the most beautiful place in your country?