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a2 futures and u6 u7 keynote

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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At the Moor Market there is a wide R________ of produce ( similar to variety)
adj - using energy and resources well - not wasting them - E ________
Products where everybody has good working conditions and enough money - F ____ T _______
fair trade
Adjective - will not disappear - can be used forever - S _________E
These are _____________________ chickens
free range
to say something nice about a person - to C ________________
I can't do this, just can't - I _______ _________
give up
If you pass an exam , you should C __________________
An important goal in your life (M ________ or A _________)
mission or ambition
A source of ideas and positive emotion - I _______________N
I think we _____________________ use petrol in 2050 (100% sure not)
definitely won't use
Who do you think ________________________(win) the World Cup?
will win
What _________________________ this weekend? (do)?
are you doing?